Back in 1978 the second sci-fi RPG ever to be published was released by Fantasy Games Unlimited, Starships & Spacemen, by Leonard H. Kanterman. Inspired by many sci-fi influences, Starships & Spacemen trekked new ground. You could play a Tauran with a machine-like, logical mind, and adventure in space hunting for alien treasures on unexplored worlds. You might face the aggressive Videni who resembled Taurans in appearance, but not intentions. Against that backdrop one might reach an uneasy truce with the militant Zangids.
Fast forward 32 years later. Goblinoid Games has purchased the Starships & Spacemen property, and plans to continue these classic voyages today and into the future! The original core rule book will soon be brought back into print through print on demand, and is already available at our online electronic stores in PDF format.
In the near future, we will release a new revised second edition of Starships and Spacemen, expanding character information and planet-side adventuring. The system will be adjusted slightly to make it fully compatible with Mutant Future and Labyrinth Lord. If you are a big fan of the original rules, have no fear. Those rules will remain in print, and future modules and supplements will have stats for both systems (though they are very similar to begin with).
Join us as we carry out missions in the final frontier. The Federation of Allied Worlds is recruiting. Join the Federation Space Fleet, explore exotic new worlds and make contact with alien civilizations!
This is really terrific news! I never owned the original, but I love the idea of expanding the LL-type system into other genres.
Though I never played Starships & Spacemen back in the day I think this is great news!
I am thoroughly intrigued by this. I've recently been thinking about incorporating a space element into my setting.
How long until the second edition?
I hope you keep the swanky(Jeff Dee?) cover for the POD.
Great news! Yet another grand GG release!
Awesome news! Was this system compatible with Space Opera?
I just purchased the pdf, and pretty much read it in one sitting. Great stuff. It seems here's the super-light Star Trek TOS role-playing game I've been looking for. Also, should be good for Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, original Battlestar Galactica, Space 1999, Barbarella, and pretty much anything along those lines.
Any idea when this will be available from lulu as a print on demand, and what the price is going to be?
I should get perfect bound proofs this week, and hard cover proofs next week. So I may open up sale of the paperback by the weekend. The price of the paperback will be 17.95 and the hard cover 27.95.
W00t! This is great news! LL + AEC + MM + S&S is shaping up to be a great toolkit.
Sounds awesome! Should be ideal for that '70s style Buck Rogers-esque sf campaign I've been mulling on for awhile.
For those interested, I have a review on my blog:
Hope This Helps,
Thanks for the review!
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