Coming in September 2009!
Labyrinth Lord: Revised Edition is a new printing of the classic Labyrinth Lord rules, which fixes known errata. In addition, a new cover and all new interior art has been added courtesy of the very talented Steve Zieser! This edition of Labyrinth Lord will be appearing in game stores in November, but will be available for online sales in September via Lulu and from Goblinoid Games direct to retailers. The paperback version ($21.95) will be in distribution, and a hard cover ($31.95) will be available exclusively online.
Like the previous edition, a free complementary electronic book will be made available in addition to a rich text file. The free electronic book will be without art, but a heavily discounted full art version will be available for $4.95 at Your Games Now and RPGnow. We’re taking this approach because Goblinoid Games is the first publisher of a neo-retro game to buy all of the interior and cover art, and to continue hiring freelancers we have to charge for the updated and improved edition.
The free complementary edition will have the same pagination as the art version and print version, making it a useful free tool so all players can get the rules, with the same pagination to ease reference, free for online and at-the-table play.
The electronic version will go on sale concurrently with the POD version at Lulu.
Doh! But I'll pet it won't have the same pagination as the old book (meaning my LL page notes for a recent S2 conversion are all for naught!).
Still, the cover art looks beautiful.
Awesome news! Really exciting. And that cover rocks. I'm going to wait until I see this bad boy in the store and then I'll pick it up.
The page #s are the same through until you hit monsters, then by the end of that it is about 1 page off. Sorry about that but we did snag more monster art!
I'll be getting my website back up and runner within a few days, and as I move forward I'll have an updated file there for which distributors have the book, and also other info about how retailers can get it. You'll see more what I have in mind soon, but I don't want to say too much just yet.
Excellent news! Will the original art of the previous edition be kept for the Revised edition?
I've got all new art in the interior.
Cover looks awesome. Can't wait to order the hard cover and the PDF. Great work, Dan!
I cannot wait for this. Bravo.
Darn, I finally broke down and bought a hard cover copy of the old version a month ago. Guess I should have waited.
I don't suppose you have a document with the "known Errata" to use with copies of the old book?
I have the "Third Release, April 2008" version, are there rule changes/clarifications in this new release versus the one mentioned above? Is there a doc available somewhere that describes the changes?
P.S. Where is that Advanced Edition Characters book?...;) (I'm starting and "old-school" games with buddies that games from back in the day and we are going to use an amalgam of C&C and AD&D....I was hoping Advanced Edition Characters was going to be out so I would have a chance to look at that before I DM....)
Hi Rich, the biggest things to make note of are that leather armor grants AC 8 now, and a few armor prices are adjusted downward. Other than that there are just a few editorial issues and clarifications, but nothing to worry about and probably stuff you'd never notice.
AEC is written and in editing, but we're still looking at a while yet. I'm hoping for late October or sometime in November.
I'm very excited by this. Yay!
Great news! I'm looking forward to getting this. The new Zeiser cover looks brilliant! :)
The print, PDF with art, free PDF and especially keeping pagination the same is an excellent way to go about things.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it but to me it says "These guys are gamers, they think about what would be useful to gamers, they understand there is a spectrum of gamers and try to deliver product that serves as much of that spectrum as possible."
Total respect and props.
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