I was wondering if anyone out there has the old plastic toys used as inspiration for some of the D&D monsters? I have a project in mind that would be a (free) service to the community, so if you have these and would like to help please drop me a line.
goblinoidgames "at" yahoo "dot" com
I might still have a plastic "rust monster" toy.
There's a nice gallery here:
AD&D Style Dinosaur Toys
speculation: Goblinoid Games getting into the prepainted plastic minis business?
I'd love to be able to purchase a set of those old 70's "dinosaurs." I check out ebay every once in a blue moon to see if anyone's offering them, but never find them.
I had a set of them when I was very young. They were long gone by the time I discovered D&D in my early teens. Of course I wish I still had them.
Saw a set on ebay once but the bidding was fierce and went too high for me. I have been known to look in the toy section of shops on the off chance that some company is remaking them.
I have the owl bear and the rust monster. I used to have the bullette, but haven't been able to locate it. They were toys I had back in th early 70's and not until recent years realized that they were the inspirations for the D&D monsters!
Zenopus, I once had all of those down the list uexcept the "solid color ones" below the bullette. Sure wish I knew where the rest of them are!
I'm still looking for these--not necessarily to buy, but to borrow--if curious please drop me a line.
These figures are actually fairly common on Ebay. The problem is that almost no seller knows what they are, and they are almost always mixed in plastic dinosaurs. So the trick is that you have to search "plastic dinosaurs" and then wade through a large number of auctions looking for recognizable figures.
For more discussion see this Acaeum thread.
My wife got me a fake ice cube from a department store to use a gelatinous cube... it works perfectly!
Man, I had almost all of those, and so many of plastic bulettes and rust monsters as a little kid, and like so many others, I so wish I had them still!
Got what I needed!
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