It is with great pleasure that I announce that Goblinoid Games has purchased the Pacesetter logo and brand. The familiar Pacesetter logo and Pacesetter System™ brands will be used to identify our game line that includes TIMEMASTER, ROTWORLD, and other forthcoming games using the same universal Action Table for task resolution.

Pacesetter lives again!
That's GREAT news! I've always loved Pacesetter's games and securing the brand itself just adds to the sheer awesomeness!
Awesome! I loved Pacesetter back in the day.
Too bad you could not bring Chill back too.
Great News! Any chance Chill! and Star Ace will get re-released?
Can you get Chill back from Mayfair?
Well done Dan. :-)
How does this all sit with this guy?:
Alas I think CHILL is lost to us for the foreseeable future. Phil Reed still sells PDFs for Star Ace, though.
@Matthew: He's not affiliated with the original Pacesetter.
Wish Otherworld would just do us all favor and sell Chill. It's not like he's going to be able to do anything with it anyway. What's it been, 9 years? Worthless....
Hope to see Rot World fill the gap.
Congrats on getting the Pacesetter logo/name!
Cool, congratulations!
Thanks everyone!
Tres Awesome!
Sweet! Looking forward to seeing what ya do with the Pacesetter System.
I miss Chill, too. CoC needs more competition in the Horror Genre, imo. GURPS Horror seems moribund, Hunter: The Vigil isn't a fav at White Wolf, Exquisite Replicas seems to have been a one-shot, and Kult's on indefinite hiatus. :-(
Unless you're talking Zombies, of course, All Flesh Must Be Eaten is back, Dead Reign is supported, and of course, the new Rotworld has hit the scene.
Hopefully great times ahead for Goblinoid/Pacesetter!
Very cool. Rotworld is a pretty amazing game. I can't wait to see your future plans for the Action system.
That's great! Congrats Dan.
This is great news. And yes, I am not connected to the original Pacesetter. I created my Pacesetter as more of an homage with the thought that eventually I could get my hands on Chill. That is not much of an option, however.
Still, I look forward to seeing this endeavor move forward.
Maybe stats for other horror related creatures could be posted for Rotworld. Then you basically have Chill! minus the S.A.V.E. organization which I never used anyways.
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