Listen up recruits! We didn’t save you from death in your own time only to have you die at the hands of a stinking Demorean. So pay close attention. You were extracted a fraction of a second before your deaths because we recognized a talent in each of you that made you a good candidate for the Time Corps. Would you rather be rotting in the distant past or saving humanity’s future? That’s what I thought.
You’ll see and experience things in the Time Corps your momma never prepared you for. The cusp of human evolution? Been there. The meteor that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? I had to put it back on its collision course. I dined and drank with kings, and fought for scraps in the prison camps of Gliese 777 IV. The Demoreans will destroy us if they can, and you’re the last defense in time and space…
The reprint of the core TIMEMASTER rules is now available! The PDF ($4.99) has been updated at RPGnow--if you've already purchased the PDF you are able to download the updated version for free in your account.
The physical reprint is available in both hard cover ($28.95) and perfect bound ($18.95) versions.
The interior features new art by Mark Allen. The reprint combines the two manuals included in the original boxed set. The introductory adventure is now available as a free PDF.
Join the Time Corps and fight the Demoreans in the 4th dimension!
Oh man that's excellent news!
I can totally see a crossover game with a scarf-toting Lord of Creation. ;)
If I had that game, I would add some pet NPCs from Time Squad.
"Larry! Tuddrussel! Get your noses out of your asses, and get those asses to Mongolia and fix the damn timestrem! It seems that Genghis Khan has became a pacifist."
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