I started this project in the late spring of 2008. It took a backseat for a long time so I could get other projects done (not to mention a pesky dissertation) but with no more further ado...
In R’lyeh, Cthulhu Stirs…
Evil cultists consummate their union with Shub-Niggurath in dark woods no other mortals dare go. Alien terrors lurk in the underworld; their vast riches wait, or their incomprehensible powers could leave you broken, dead, or worse. Adventure in underworlds filled with horrible entities, or the ruins of alien beings that enslaved the ape-like ancestors of mankind. Seek hidden secrets from the arctic wastes to dark, briny seas. But as you approach the ocean, what are those strange longings you feel?
Realms of Crawling Chaos is a Lovecraftian Dark Fantasy campaign supplement for Labyrinth Lord and the Advanced Edition Companion. Referees can incorporate the new material into existing campaigns, or design an entirely new milieu of gritty sword and sorcery gaming.
In this book you will find:
New player races from the works of H. P. Lovecraft, including white apes, white ape hybrids, sea blood, and subhumans. New races are presented both as race-class options and as races for use with advanced classes.
New spells
New monsters
New artifacts and a system for designing unique artifacts
Rules for psionics, fully compatible with Mutant Future
Pages: 64
Written by Daniel Proctor and Michael Curtis
Glad to see this finally make it into the light of day, so to speak :)
Absolutely LOVE it. Very cool.
My Lovecraftian megadungeon (The Black City) will be getting some Labyrinth Lord love. Wahoo.
Wow, looking forward to this!
Wow, can't wait to get my mitts on this! Sounds awesome.
Alright dammit I'm in. This looks incredibly cool and a must have for me.
Oh awesome, I'm getting me one of these
Great news - this looks awesome!
And terrific cover :D
I'm looking forward to this. Can't wait to get my hands on it!
With Regards,
WOW! This has been something I was hoping to see, I cannot wait until this is available!!
Good luck to you! Hope you take this and run to new and exciting places with it. :)
Really looking forward to losing my mind over this!
Psyched over this one. The whole LL is awesome! I need to pick up Original Edition Characters to run this with.(I know, it just FEELS, right!) On a side note, is this going to have a preview PDF? I noticed Original Edition Characters doesn't, so....
No sanity rules? In a Lovecraft supplement? Man, that stinks. I suppose the Chaosium version of Sanity could be ported over somewhat easy. But I would have loved a quicker or lighter style for OSR-style gaming, something that stayed true to Lovecraft's work.
I'll definitely be getting this. Looks brilliant!
This cannot be released fast enough.
Awesome news. I can't wait to pick this up... hopefully sooner than later!
I too will be grabbing a copy as soon as possible. I wonder, can one play 1920s Call of Cthulhu type play with this book, or is one firmly ensconced in the realms of Old School/Labyrinth Lord type fantasy with Lovecraftian elements heavily added? I don't expect to see stats for Model T cars or tommy guns, but you could cobble that sort of stuff together easily enough anyway. Sanity effects could be simulated with Saving Throw rolls. Regardless, it looks wonderful, and I'll be supporting this with my consumer dollars. I play Call of Cthulhu, have published for Call of Cthulhu, and collect Call of Cthulhu game stuff. I'm also a huge OSR fan (latest wicked cool acquisition: Lamentations of the Flame Princess) I'll be buying Crawling Chaos in paper copy (hardback if possible), even if a free pdf of same is released (like LL and AEC and MF).
When can we make pre-orders?
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